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    World Championship 結果共22筆

  • 讓一追三!中華U17女排逆轉強敵巴西晉級 四強對戰中國

    世界U17排球錦標賽(FIVB Volleyball Girls’ U17 World Championship)在秘魯登場,中華女排代表隊在台北時間23日凌晨,八強賽階段遭遇強敵巴西女排,比賽中上演「讓一追三」的劇情,最終以23比25、25比19、25比20和25比19的成績,逆轉巴西獲勝晉級四強。中華女排下一場將面對中國,勢必也將是一場大挑戰。
    2024/08/23 10:34
  • 剛奪健美冠軍!日本「超級筋肉人」賽後去世 住院暴瘦20公斤

    「超級筋肉人」健美選手北井大五才剛於8月3日奪得FWJ(Fitness World Japan)舉辦的健美比賽冠軍,並於隔天在社交媒體上公開自己曾因住院而暴瘦20公斤的照片。沒想到,僅僅經過16天就傳出他奪冠後離世的消息,讓許多粉絲表達悼念之意。
    2024/08/21 10:19
  • Guishan baseball team shuts out Canada 8-0 at Little League

    Discover how Taoyuan City Guishan Elementary School Baseball team clinched an 8-0 victory over Canada at the 2024 Little League World Series, marking a significant win for the Asia-Pacific representatives. Learn about the support from New York’s Taipei Economic and Cultural Office and the team’s historic performance in the series.
    2024/08/15 13:46
  • President Lai praises Kuo’s resilience in Olympics

    Discover how Kuo Hsing-chun, the "Goddess of Weightlifting," won her third Olympic medal at Paris 2024, making history for Taiwan despite facing injuries and tough competition.
    2024/08/09 13:07
  • Taiwanese barista wins 2024 World Latte Art Championship

    Discover how Yi-Chen Xie, a talented Taiwanese barista, won the 2024 World Latte Art Championship in Copenhagen, impressing with his dragon, moose, and whale designs.
    2024/07/18 15:24
  • Taiwan’s UMA wins big at Capcom Cup X championship

    Taipei’s UMA (Kagami) emerges victorious at the Capcom Cup X "Street Fighter 6" championship, defeating Hong Kong’s Chris Wong in the grand final to claim a US$1 million prize. Kagami’s dominant performance showcases Taiwan’s prowess in esports, highlighting the country’s ability to produce world-class gamers.
    2024/02/26 17:56
  • Venue shift for Asian volleyball: Indonesia replaces Taiwan

    The Asian Men’s U20 Volleyball Championship, originally scheduled to be held in Taiwan in July, has been relocated to Indonesia, according to the Asian Volleyball Confederation (AVC). The change of venue was reportedly triggered by a protest from China, although the Chinese Taipei Volleyball Association has not confirmed this. The competition, originally planned for July 20 to 27, will now take place from July 23 to 30 in Surabaya, Indonesia. The outcome of the Asian U20 Men’s Championship will impact eligibility for next year’s FIVB Volleyball Men’s U21 World Championship. China has refrained from sending teams to sporting events in Taiwan since the 2017 Universiade Taipei. In December of last year, China expressed its desire to change the host country and submitted a protest, leading to a voting procedure. The final decision was made during an online meeting organized by the AVC.
    2024/01/17 14:48
  • Tsai meets World Baker of Year, praises Taiwan’s creativity

    President Tsai Ing-wen met with Justin Wu, the 2023 World Baker of the Year, to recognize his contribution in promoting Taiwan’s baking industry globally. The government is actively supporting the industry’s growth and international engagement. Wu, who won the group competition at the Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie last year, was honored with the World Baker of the Year title by the Unibread Bread Baking Championships this year. He has showcased his creativity by creating an art bread piece inspired by the Seediq tribe and coaching the Taiwanese team to victory at the UIBC Junior World Championship. President Tsai highlighted the value of Taiwan’s baking industry, which exceeds NT$100 billion, and praised the diverse and exquisite styles of Taiwanese bakers at global competitions. She also expressed gratitude to the Taipei Bakery Association for their efforts in passing down experience and hosting international contests in Taiwan. President Tsai expects the bakery sector to continue delivering high quality and innovative products as it expands its market and introduces Taiwan’s delicious baked goods to the world.
    2023/12/19 16:46
  • Tai reflects on tough year, grateful despite setbacks

    Taiwanese badminton star Tai Tzu-ying reflects on her disappointing performance in the second half of 2023 but expresses gratitude towards her team and fans. Despite her struggles, Tai triumphed at the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals, claiming the women’s singles title. This victory marked her fourth World Tour Finals title and served as a beautiful conclusion to a challenging year. Prior to the year-end event, Tai had only secured two titles out of the 18 matches she played in 2023. Concerns about her form were raised, but her win on Sunday dispelled any doubts. Tai also mentions the challenges she faced leading up to the championship, including injury and limited training.
    2023/12/18 10:55
  • Sadaharu Oh roots for Taiwan in Asia Baseball Championship

    Sadaharu Oh, Taiwanese-Japanese baseball legend, expressed his wish for the Taiwan team to triumph over South Korea in the Asian Baseball Championship. He hopes that in three years, Japan and Taiwan will join forces in the World Baseball Classic finals. Oh praised the Taipei Dome’s facilities and believes that players competing in such an exceptional environment will feel more confident, enhancing their ability to bring glory to their country and Asia. Reflecting on his own experiences in the Tokyo Dome, Oh emphasized the importance of a great setting in nurturing heroes and predicted that the presence of the Taipei Dome will improve the future of Taiwanese baseball.
    2023/12/02 17:21
  • Taipei Dome test game tickets sell out in just over a minute

    The Taipei Dome test baseball game sold out 13,000 tickets in just over a minute. The free-entry test match, scheduled for November 18, will feature training teams from the Asian Baseball Championship and the U-23 Baseball World Cup. The game aims to assess the suitability of Taipei Dome for the upcoming 30th BFA Asian Baseball Championship in December. Field tests are being conducted to ensure smooth proceedings at the new venue, and spectators are encouraged to provide feedback through on-site online questionnaires.
    2023/11/10 22:29
  • Taipei Dome Nov. 18 warm-up baseball game to open to public

    Starting from November 10, the public can request tickets online for a free viewing of the warm-up baseball game at the Taipei Dome on November 18. The game is part of the essential competition facilities review by the Farglory Group. The November 14 warm-up match will be a closed-door event involving four top-tier teams. On November 18, the "Home Run Taipei Dome Warm-up Game" will take place, featuring a match-up between the training teams from the Asian Baseball Championship and the U-23 Baseball World Cup. The Dome is expected to open 13,000 seats to the public. Tickets can be requested online through the tixCraft ticketing system from November 10 to November 17. Each account is limited to 2 tickets, while supplies last. The company warns spectators that they will not consider compensation or other rights claims if they result from deficiencies or imperfections in the venue’s facilities. Farglory Group encourages adherence to venue regulations and recommends using public transportation to reach the games.
    2023/11/06 16:10
  • Taipei 101 Run Up marathon attracts over 3,500 athletes

    The Taipei 101 Run Up marathon returned after a three-year hiatus, attracting over 3,500 athletes from around the world. The challenging event featured a 91-floor ascent, with 2,046 steps and a vertical height of 390 meters.
    2023/10/14 20:49
  • 「寶可夢世界錦標賽2023(Pokémon World Championship)」首次在日本橫濱舉辦!

    2023/08/28 10:06
  • Taiwan nabs 24 gold medals in World Sport Stacking Contest

    Taiwan has emerged victorious at Singapore’s 2023 World Sport Stacking Championship (WSSC), clinching an impressive 24 gold medals. 
    2023/04/10 15:34
  • 航空級尾翼臺灣只有3輛 LC Limited 580萬起限量上市

    去年 (2020年) 10月底,Lexus聯手日籍Red Bull Air Race World Championship飛行錦標賽飛行員室屋義秀,用特技飛機空力設計作為靈感,打造具有航空級尾翼的LC Aviation特別版車型,Lexus隨後亦於北美推出完整複製LC Aviation的LC Limited Edition限量車型。現在,Lexus總代理和泰汽車宣布正式引進LC Limited Edition,提供LC 500與LC 500h兩種動力設定,分別開出580萬元與610萬元,不過2021年式車型全臺僅有3輛配額。
    2021/01/28 19:53
  • 航空級尾翼加持 限量LC Aviation化身陸地飛行器

    即使已經被Lexus視為是最美雙門與敞篷跑車,日本豪華品牌還是為決定讓LC車系更具獨特性,與日籍Red Bull Air Race World Championship飛行錦標賽飛行員室屋義秀合作,打造僅僅限量70輛的LC Aviation特別版車型,以鳥類與飛機等航空元素為設計靈感,強化LC空氣力學設計,同步提升視覺張力與空氣力學效應。同時,還與Discovery頻道合作,深入探討特技飛行以及LC Aviation開發過程。
    2020/10/31 00:00
  • 台灣紅了!挪威選手奪冠畫面 竟戴「台灣宮廟帽」

    台灣宮廟帽登上國際舞台!法國尼斯三鐵世界錦標賽(IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship),昨(8日)由23歲的挪威選手艾登(Gustav Iden)奪冠,他在衝過終點時,頭上戴的帽子竟印有「埔鹽順澤宮」5個中文字。台灣網友看了之後熱烈討論,笑讚是「另類台灣之光」。
    2019/09/09 10:31
  • 330樓往下跳!超狂「人肉弓箭」比賽 時速2百撞箭靶

    挑戰極限!2018飛鼠裝滑翔世界錦標賽(Wingsuit Flying World Championship)13日在大陸湖南張家界舉行,吸引各路好手參加。據悉,身著飛鼠裝的參賽者須從離地990公尺、相當於330樓高的跳台往下跳,利用身體平衡感滑翔,並擊中高空的箭靶,宛如把自己當成弓箭,不僅挑戰選手滑翔技巧,更考驗心臟強度。
    2018/09/21 20:39
  • 台中搜救犬「腿腿」赴歐爭光 高舉國旗進場感動萬人

    台中市消防局搜救犬「腿腿」,於台北時間18日上午抵達斯洛維尼亞的盧比安納,將代表台灣參加由國際救難犬組織IRO主辦的「世界救難犬錦標賽」(World Championship for Rescue Dogs),將與來自20個國家、107個搜救犬隊伍在瓦礫組競技搜索及服從項目,台中消防局局長蕭煥章在臉書分享腿腿與三名搜救犬隊員高舉國旗參加開幕影片,感動上萬網友紛紛為腿腿加油。
    2018/09/20 10:21
  • 說到做到!館長火速籌備「地獄訓練」 蘇祈麟:準備好了

    蘇祈麟日前代表台灣遠赴美國參加「世界儀隊錦標賽」(World Drill Championship),以「矇眼操槍」絕技獲得第四名及創辦人特別獎,為國爭光更獲總統接見;蘇祈麟現正為明年出國比賽做準備,因擔心儀隊槍重達6公斤,對身體有很大負擔,因此求助「館長」陳之漢幫他特訓,克服比賽恐懼;館長霸氣回應「你來練我企業贊助你」,更火速安排見面詳談訓練事宜,說到做到的精神讓蘇祈麟相當感動。
    2018/05/23 11:23
  • 操槍藏10年辛酸 蘇祈麟自爆曾窮到剩13元想輕生

    海軍儀隊上兵蘇祈麟日前赴美參加「世界儀隊錦標賽」(World Drill Championship),一舉拿下第4名與創辦人特別貢獻獎的佳績,返台後獲得總統蔡英文接見,並盛讚他是「台灣之光」。但蘇祈麟卻在臉書發文,訴說自己「十年磨一劍」的心路歷程,並透露自己曾經窮到只剩下13元,一度想要自殺。
    2018/05/14 15:04
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